Aas, Jeffrey
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Abushanab, Chad
Assistant Professor of English
- Phone218-755-2029
Adams, Erika
Assessment Research Analyst
- Phone218-755-4615
Al Saleem, Jafar
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Aldis, Diane
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- Phone218-755-2068
Allery, Aaron
Associate Director, TRIO an Upward Bound
- Phone218-755-3334
Ambikar, Rucha
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2540
Anderson, Chisholm
Anderson, Justine
Graduation Evaluator
- Phone218-755-4005
Anderson, Kim
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Anderson, Shawn
Store Operation Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2885
Anderson, Siri
Associate Professor
- Phone612-423-0379
Anderson, Zach
Admissions Representative
Andrusko-Starks, Hannah
Anspach, Ruth
Test Proctor Coordinator
- Phone218-755-4226
Arsham, Andrew
Assistant Professor
- Phone763-488-0426
Aubert, Joseph
Emeritus Faculty
Augustine, Shari
Academic Support Specialist
- Phone218-755-2920
Ausk, Terry
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-3750
Baez, Mark
Assistant Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology
- Phone218-755-2870
Baird, Benjamin
Assistant Track & Field Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Baird, Timothy
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
- Phone218-755-2917
Bakken, Virgil
- Phone218-755-3370
Ball, Leslie
Chief Engineer
- Phone218-755-2061
Bandy, Katherine
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Bannor, Holly
Administrative Assistant Gillett Wellness Center/HPSH
- Phone218-755-2940
Bannor, Mitchell
- Phone218-755-3755
Bard, Stephanie
Director of Financial Aid
- Phone218-755-2263
Barich, Tami
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Barnes, Travis
Director of Facilities
- Phone218-755-3988
Barron, Collin
Biology Lab Supervisor
- Phone218-755-4009
Barron, Hillary
Assistant Professor of Biology
- Phone218-755-2110
Bartels, Tanner
General Maintenance Wrkr
- Phone218-755-2062
Bartels, Travis
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-3755
Bartlett, Andy
Director of Communications
- Phone218-755-2746
Bartlett, Melissa
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Bartz, Brady
Volunteer Football Coach
Bauer, Cole
Assistant Athletic Dir - AEM & IO
Baumann, Jennifer
Account Clerk Sr
- Phone218-755-2778
Beaulieu, Martina
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Beech, Thomas
- Phone218-755-3964
Bell, Jeffrey
- Phone218-755-3732
Bellig, Leslie
Head Cashier
- Phone218-755-2045
Ben Shirnai, Hezekiah
Physics Adjunct
Bensen, M.
Emeritus Faculty
- Emailm.bensen@xsdvoip.com
Berard, Stephen
Assistant Director of Advising and First Year Programming
- Phone218-755-2224
Berg, Adam
Area Director
- Phone218-755-3994
Bernard, Gina
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Besancon, Katelynn
Assistant Director of Clinical Experience
- Phone218-755-3779
Biehn, Duane
Director of Campus Rec & Facilities
- Phone218-755-4140
Bitter, Kalli
Success Coach
- Phone218-755-2227
Blake, Chad
- Phone218-755-2061
Blessing, Alice
Adjunct Faculty
Blessing, Mitch
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2286
Bliss, Ashly
Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Phone218-755-2831
Bobrowski, Sarah
Assistant Women's Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Bobrowsky, Tammy
Collection Development and Electronic Resources Li
- Phone218-755-4110
Bock, Marie
Interim Chief Information Officer
- Phone218-755-2250
Boe, Cindy
Interim Director of Career Services
- Phone218-755-2406
Boe, Matthew
Warehouse Stores Operation Coordinator
Bolte, Brent
Head Football Coach, Assistant Professor
- Phone218-755-2768
Boschee, Michael
Head Men's Basketball Coach
- Phone218-755-2774
Boudry, Valica
- Phone218-755-3904
Bowyer, James
Associate Professor of Music
- Phone218-755-3361
Boyle, Joseph
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Bradley, De'Vonte
TRIO Upward Bound Academic Advisor
Brandt, Camille
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2934
Braught, Annalise
Integrated Media Adjunct
Brautigam, Meghan
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Breczinski, Christian
Associate Director of Accessibility Services
- Phone218-755-3883
Brisbin, Kayla
Consultant - HMU
Broin, Katy
Admissions Representative
- Phone218-755-2177
Brower, Stanley
- Phone218-755-3755
Brown, Austin
Assistant Football Coach
Brunner, Lisa
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Bryant, Celeste
Non Employee
Buchholz, Laura
Assistant Professor of Project Management- Construction
- Phone218-755-4221
Bump, Tanner
Burlage, Gregory
- Phone218-755-3755
Burlage, Lisa
Nursing Lab Coordinator
- Phone218-755-3848
Bute, Erika
Women's Volleyball Head Coach
Butler, Barbara
Office and Administrative Specialist Intermediate
- Phone218-755-3761
Campbell, Shawn
Audio Visual Tech
- Phone218-755-4127
Carey, Darius
Assistant Football Coach
Carlson, Anna
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2801
Carlson, Daniel
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Carlson, David
Non Employee
Carlson, Eric
Assistant Professor of Technology, Art & Design
- Phone218-755-3740
Carlson, Reed
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Carlson, Samuel
Carlson, Sarah
Music Adjunct
Carlson, Stephanie
TRIO Upward Bound Academic Advisor
- Phone218-755-2093
Carlson, Stephen
- Phone218-755-3997
Carter, Katherine
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Carver Smith, Kimberly
Management Analyst 2
- Phone218-755-2143
Charwood, Ashley
Assistant Professor of Social Work
- Phone218-755-2836
Chesley, Amanda
Assistant Director, Accreditation & Assessment
- Phone218-755-3747
Chirpich, Mary Jo
Assistant Director for TC Transfer Advising
- Phone763-433-1172
Chock, Anna
Psychology Adjunct
Chowdhury, Nusrat
Assistant Professor of Operations & Project Management
- Phone218-755-2954
Christensen, Kit
Emeritus Faculty
Christensen Graefe, Lisa
Adjunct Instructor
- Phone218-755-2278
Christiansen, Heidi
Accounts Receivable & Cashier Supervisor
- Phone218-755-2046
Christiansen, Megan
Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Phone218-755-2715
Christiansen, Tyler
Associate Director of Athletics for Media and External Relations
- Phone218-755-2763
Christofferson, Kelsey
Housing Office Admin Assistant
Cicenas, Maria
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Cirks, Kristina
TRIO McNair Associate Director
- Phone218-755-2559
Clark, Angela
Interim Assistant Director of Student Activities HMU
- Phone218-755-3736
Clausen, Samantha
Case Manager
- Phone218-755-2024
Cleven, Crystal
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2598
Coan, Angela
Customer Service Specialist Intermediate
- Phone218-755-2068
Coggins, Porter
- Phone218-755-2720
Cole, Layna
- Phone218-755-4046
Colligan, Tracy
Office Manager
- Phone218-755-2762
Cook, Christy
- Phone218-755-2522
Cornell, Deb
ITS 3/Server Manager
Corradi, Christopher
Director of Finance
- Phone218-755-4145
Cory, Matthew
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Cox, Justin
Computer Science Adjunct
Cronin, Sarah
Associate Professor of Psychology
- Phone218-755-2884
Dahl, Dawn
Office Manager
- Phone218-755-2930
Daniels, Sean
Women's Basketball Adjunct
Danielson, Dana
Accounting Technician
- Phone218-755-2044
Davis, James
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-4135
Davis, Jennifer
Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Phone218-755-2803
Davis, Neal
Assistant Football Coach - Offensive Line
Day, Dax
General Maintenance Worker
- Emaildax.day@xsdvoip.com
- Phone218-755-2062
Deering, Lori
Office and Administrative Specialist Intermediate
- Phone218-755-2193
Delaney, Sara
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
DeVries, Michelle
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Dietz, Jonathan
Area Director
- Phone320-308-1251
Dingman, Mallary
Interim Director of Operations
- Phone218-755-2731
Dirks, Andrew
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Dirth, Thomas
Associate Professor of Psychology
- Phone218-755-2945
Dolan, Stella
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Domogalla, Jo
Information Officer 3
Donnay, Patrick
- Phone218-755-3899
Dorn, Laura
Political Science Adjunct
Downwind, Chrissy
Executive Director, American Indian Resource Center
- Phone218-755-2141
Dreyer, Dale
College Lab Specialist
- Phone218-755-2780
DuBois, Mary
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- Phone218-428-0254
Duffy, Jaimee
Director of Marketing and Outreach
- Phone218-755-2206
Dukek-Haasken, Emily
Information Officer 3
DuMarce, Craig
ITS 3 Computer Labs Tech Support
- Phone218-755-3777
Duncan, Seth
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-3755
Dunn, Adrian
Foundation Employee
Durgan, Jessica
- Phone218-755-2812
Dvorak, Amy
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Earle, Betsy
TAD Adjunct Faculty
Easterling, Aspen
Assistant Director for Student Success - OTE
- Phone218-755-3781
Eastman, Daniel
IRE Director and Academic Analyst
- Phone218-755-2039
Ebbighausen, Aaron
Campus Security Supervisor
- Phone218-755-3888
Eckstein, Theresa
Technology Support Supervisor
- Phone218-755-3777
Eckstrom, Ruth
Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Phone218-755-2524
Edens, Jason
State Univ Adjunct Unit
- Phone218-839-7732
Ejnik, Mitchell
Ellinghuysen, Matthew
- Phone218-755-3928
Ellis, John
Associate Professor
Ellison, Brittany
Medical Technologist
- Phone218-755-3937
Enfield, Justin
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-3755
Engesather, Kris
Senior Software Development, Integration & Programming Lead
- Phone218-755-3777
Erickson, Emma
Student Worker
Erickson, Rosanne
Contracting Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2531
Erickson, Tammy
Office & Admin Spec- Prof Ed/Humanities/Languages/Indigenous Studies
- Phone218-755-2934
Everhart, Jeffrey
Assistant Professor
- Phone218-755-3873
Evers, Erika
Upward Bound
Everwind, Alisha
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Fairbanks, Andrew
Upward Bound
Fairbanks, Kyle
Falk, Lynn
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Farris, Kristin
Assistant Director of Athletic Media Relations
Fear, Misty
Administrative Assistant to the Dean
- Phone218-755-3732
Fenner, Krisi
Vice President of Finance and Administration
- Phone218-755-3999
Fetzer, Colton
Feye, Jack
Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach
Fisher, Kimberly
Assistant Director of Admissions/PSEO Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2555
Fisher, Ryan
Instructor of Criminal Justice
Fiskevold Gould, Gwenia
Foundation Employee
Fjerstad, Shane
TAD Adjunct Faculty
Fodness, Alex
Assistant Mens Basketball Coach
- Phone218-755-2323
Fodness, Kyle
Head Women's Tennis Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Folkestad, Bradley
Assistant Director Enrollment Marketing Specialist
- Phone218-755-2345
Ford, Joseph
Assistant Football Coach Defensive Coordinator
- Phone218-755-3928
Forsyth, Eric
- Phone218-755-2083
Fournier, Angela
- Phone218-755-2530
Fraik, Jennifer
Director, SCHC / Nurse Practitioner
- Phone218-755-2053
Fraik, Robert
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
- Phone218-755-2301
Frauenholtz, Todd
- Phone218-755-2817
Fredrickson, Joann
- Phone218-755-2755
Freundschuh, Seth
Music Adjunct
Friend, Nicole
Athletic Equipment Manager
Friez, Micah
Foundation Employee
Frost, Dean
Fryklund, Amber
Associate Head Women's Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Fuller, Megan
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Fulton, Mark
- Phone218-755-2787
Gartner, Amanda
Mental Health Professional
- Phone218-755-2874
Gartner, Erica
Head Womens Golf Coach / Women's Basketball
- Phone218-755-3928
Gaston, Greg
Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-755-2398
Gauvin, Col'Lette
Area Director
- Phone218-755-2131
Geeraerts, Zachary
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Geiger, Mark
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2191
Gibbs, Shawn
Plant Maintenance Engineer
Gibson Willius, Sally
Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-755-2068
Goldstein, Kirsten
Geography Adjunct
Gomez, Ashley
Associate CDO & Director DEI
- Phone218-755-3773
Gonzalez, John
Professor of Psychology
- Phone218-755-2881
Goodwin, Timothy
- Phone507-403-9296
Goplin, Erik
- Phone218-755-3755
Gora, Keith
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2882
Graham, Andrew
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2953
Graham, Shane
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Graves, William
Associate Professor, Department Chair
- Phone218-755-3714
Gray, Levi
Help Desk Specialist
- Phone218-755-3777
Gruber, Anna
Records Receptionist
- Phone218-755-4224
Gubrud, Lisa
Administrative Analysis Specialist
- Phone218-755-2405
Gudmundson, Sondra
Psychology Adjunct
Guelda, Debbie
Professor of Biology
- Phone218-755-2786
Guentchev, Daniel
Associate Professor
- Phone507-537-7155
Guidry, Heather
Adjunct Faculty
Guidry, Scott
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-3365
Gullickson, Robin
Interim Associate Registrar
- Phone218-755-4248
Hafs, Andrew
- Phone218-755-2789
Hagen, Kody
ITS 3/Lead Web Developer
Halvorson, Angela
Certified Nurse Practitioner
- Phone218-755-2523
Hamann, Michael
Professor of Biology/Department Chair
- Phone218-755-2798
Hamers, Katie
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Hamrick, Stephen
Professor of English
- Phone218-477-4687
Hanlon, Brooke
Upward Bound
Hansen, Heidi
- Phone218-755-2820
Hansen, Jim
Facilities Building and Maintenance Supervisor
- Phone218-755-3755
Hansen, Trisha
Instructor of Criminal Justice
Hanson, Richard
Emeritus Faculty
Hanson, Teresa
Assistant HR Director / HRBP
- Phone218-755-2501
Harris, Christine
Office and Administrative Specialist
- Phone218-755-2079
Hasnain, Muhammad
Geology Adjunct Faculty
Haugen, Danelle
Campus Security Officer
- Phone218-755-3888
Haus, Jacob
Assistant Professor of Biology
- Phone218-755-4372
Hayft, Kaitlyn
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
- Phone218-755-3734
Hein, Jordan
Assistant Football Coach
Heinecke, Daniel
Cashier/AR Clerical Support
Heitkamp, Joel
Adjunct Instructor
Heller, Tristen
Music Adjunct
Helm, Emily
Nursing Adjunct
Hemmelman, Brian
Associate Professor of Engineering Technology
- Phone218-755-4223
Hemstock, Russell
ITS 3/Server Manager
- Phone218-755-3777
Hendricks, Stephanie
Application Processor
- Phone218-755-2175
Hensley, LeAnn
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Herbert, Michael
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Herr, Julie
Customer Service Specialist Intermediate
- Phone218-755-3337
Heuton, Hillary
Technical Support Analyst
- Phone218-755-3777
Higgins, Bonnie
- Phone218-755-3790
Hildenbrand, Drew
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Hiller, Brian
- Phone218-755-2212
Hiller, Lainie
Consultant - BSUFA
Hiller, Matthew
Director of the IPC
Hiller, Reese
Nursing Clinical Coordinator
Hirchert, Melissa
Hjermstad, Rosy
Assistant Dir of Admissions, Graduate Programs
- Phone218-755-2261
Hodgson, Beverly
Interim Registrar
- Phone218-755-4214
Hoffelt, Rachel
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Hoffman, Ben
Vice President for Enrollment Mmgt
- Phone218-755-2180
Hoffman, John
- Phone218-755-2011
Hoffman, Rebecca
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2837
Hofstad, Lisa
Foundation Employee
- Phone218-755-4147
Holloway, Sherry
State University Faculty
- Phone218-755-2223
Hommes, Tiffany
- Phone218-755-2526
Horien, Jessie
Foundation Employee
Horsley, Bramwell
Stationary Engineer
Hoven, Kierstin
Executive Director of Student Health, Wellness & Recreation
- Phone218-755-4135
Hsih, Christine
Acquisitions and Serials Technician
- Phone218-755-3341
Humphrey, Ann
Assistant Professor of Indigenous Sustainability Studies
- Phone218-755-3353
Huschle, Kimberly
General Maintenance Worker
Illg, Jessica
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Ingalls, Brian
- Phone218-755-3755
Isaacson, Carl
- Phone218-755-4104
Ivaniszyn, Brayden
Business Administration
Jacobson, Sheree
Customer Service Specialist
Jallen, Larry
Adjunct Faculty
- Phone800-723-3567
Jambor, Brian
ITS 3/Educational Technologist
- Phone218-755-2056
Jayasooriya, Dinush
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
- Phone218-755-2828
Jensen, Beth
Instructional Tech Specialist
- Phone218-755-4217
Jensen, Shane
IT Specialist/Helpdesk
- Phone218-755-3777
Jenson, Melissa
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Jergenson, Stacie
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-3758
Johnson, Jennifer
Executive Assistant
- Phone218-755-2017
Johnson, Lynn
Exec Dir Ext Learning/Library
- Phone218-755-2069
Johnson, Nicole
Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Phone218-793-2800
Johnson, Nina
Director of Hobson Union
- Phone218-755-3766
Jones, Ashley
Student Success Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2151
Jones, Samantha
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-3946
Jorstad, Cassandra
General Maintenance Wrkr Lead
- Phone218-755-2062
Josefson, Sachel
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2949
Joseph, Allyssa
Vice President of Advancement and Executive Director of the Foundation
- Phone218-755-2876
Jourdain, Chelsey
Upward Bound
Joyce, Alexis
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Joyce, Bill
- Phone218-755-2858
Juntunen, Joshua
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Kaes, Md
TAD Adjunct Faculty
- Emailmd.kaes@xsdvoip.com
Kaiser, Joseph
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Kantack Miller, Kari
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
- Phone218-755-4142
Karger, Bonner
Executive Director (Interim), Student Success Center
- Phone218-755-2174
Karger, Brodie
ITS 3/Server & Systems Administrator
- Phone218-755-2033
Katz, Jesse
Non Employee
Keute, Caitlin
Upward Bound
- Phone218-755-3334
Kingbird-Bratvold, Awanookwe
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Kingery, Muriel
Associate Dir for HMU Operations
- Phone218-755-2713
Kippenhan, B
- Phone218-755-2076
Kivi, Paul
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4106
Klander, Justin
Contingent Worker
Klawitter, Lukus
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Klement, Kat
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2848
Knott, Jodi
Associate Director of Financial Aid
- Phone218-755-4143
Knudson, Seth
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Koch, Richard
- Phone218-755-2795
Koester, Jason
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Konecne, Steven
Music Adjunct
- Phone218-755-3931
Kong'a, Alex
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Krall, Lisa
Associate Professor
Kramer, Anthony
Non Employee
Kranz, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-755-3716
Kroeger, Tim
Emeritus Faculty
Krueger, Heidi
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Kruse, Michael
Electronics Technician Senior
- Phone218-755-2611
Kubiak, Karl
Music Adjunct
Kuechle, Loralyn
Interim Director of Housing & Residential Life
- Phone218-755-3751
Kuehnl, Laurent
Music Adjunct Faculty
La Venture, Kelly
Associate Professor
Laaveg, Denise
Music Adjunct
Labernik, Gina
Nursing Adjunct
LaFerriere, Holly
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2946
Laffin, Amber
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-3767
Lama, Prabin
Associate Professor of English
- Phone218-755-2165
Langhout, Susan
Physical Ed Adjunct
Larsen, Fia
Upward Bound
Larson, Julie
- Phone218-755-2791
Larson, Loren
Stationary Engineer
Larson-Lindner, Bridget
Adjunct Faculty
Lauritsen, Brittany
Athletic Director
- Phone218-755-4022
Lawrence, Monika
Lee, Michael
Graphic Design & Publications Specialist
- Phone218-755-2747
Leeport, Patrick
Associate Professor Library Services
- Phone218-755-2957
Leffelman, Hannah
Biology Adjunct
Leffelman, Jeremy
Executive Director
- Phone218-755-4222
Leif, Douglas
Leindecker, Scott
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Leuthard, Mary
Library Technician
- Phone218-755-2968
Li, Josefina
Assistant Director of the International Program Center
- Emailjo.li@xsdvoip.com
- Phone218-755-2400
Liapis, Trina
University Supervisor
Liend, Jeremiah
Technical Coordinator of Performing Arts
- Phone218-755-2506
Lindgren, Anthony
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Longie, Amanda
Assistant Professor of Social Work
- Phone218-755-2058
Lopez-Aguilera, Ana
Interim Director of the OTE
- Phone218-755-2809
Lovdahl, Isaac
State University Faculty
Lowery, Nick
- Phone218-755-2950
Lund, Carl
Associate Professor of Professional Education
Lund, Michael
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2951
Lunt, Dennis
Associate Professor
Lutz, Jordan
Sustainablity Project Manager
- Phone218-755-2979
Lynch, Michael
Women's Cross Country & Track & Field Head Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Mack, Brenda
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4050
Magera, Andrew
Assistant Men's Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Mahonen, Andrew
Music Adjunct
Mannausau, Alexandra
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Manz, Eric
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Maple, Marci
- Phone218-755-4240
Marek, Keith
Professor, Chem Department Chair
- Phone218-755-2788
Markgraf, Tim
Adjunct, Social Work
Masek, Jacob
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Massaglia, David
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2906
McCarthy, Casey
Director of Public Safety
- Phone218-755-3888
McCoy, Alec
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
McDonnell, Peter
Systems and Circulation Librarian
- Phone218-755-2967
McDougall, Emma
Administrative Assistant to the Dean
- Phone218-755-2259
McManus, Brendan
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4124
Melin, Carly
Political Science Adjunct
Menefee, Carissa
Communications Specialist
- Phone218-755-2207
Meulebroeck, Eric
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- Phone218-755-3965
Meyer, Alexa
Visiting Scholar
Meyer, Emily
Non Employee
Michael, Nancy
Emeritus Faculty
Michael, Nicky
Indigensous Studies Adjunct
- Phone218-755-3979
Michel, Madison
Miles, Tia
CRM Analyst
Miller, Ekren
Men's Golf Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Miller, Lauren
Student Worker
Miller, Mary
Human Resources Generalist
- Phone218-755-2084
Miller, Nikki
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Molitor, Christan
Stationary Engineer
Montgomery, Kayla
Athletics Trainer
Moore, Tina
OASI Administrative Specialist
- Phone218-755-2997
Morgan, Michael
Non Employee
Morrissey, Mark
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Murphy, Brian
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Murray, Michael
- Phone218-755-2910
Mutnansky, Christina
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Mykleby, Erin
Associate Director of Athletics for Compliance
Narum, Dianne
Cataloging and Government Documents Librarian
- Phone218-755-3340
Nebosis, Nikki
Assistant Director for Administration and Marketing
- Phone218-755-3404
Nei, Kristi
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- Emailkris.nei@xsdvoip.com
- Phone218-755-4613
Nelson, Peter
Assistant Professor of Business Administration
Nelson, Sarah
Assistant Professor Nursing
- Phone218-755-3869
Nelson, Victoria
Interim Assist Dir Admissions
- Phone218-755-4600
Neville, Francois
Assistant Professor
- Phone218-755-2840
Ney, Alex
Football Adjunct
- Emailalex.ney@xsdvoip.com
Nickerson, Barry
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Nord, Cody
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Norman, Shannon
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4099
O'Beirne, Kristie
Upward Bound Teacher
O'Connell, Kathrina
Assistant Professor of Professional Ed
O'Dell, Jenna
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-3943
O'Neil, Tara
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
OBryan, Sonia
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-3774
Olsen, Derek
Software Application Development & Integration Specialist
- Phone218-755-3777
Olson, Ching Ching
Assistant Director of Advising
- Phone218-755-2872
Olson, Curtis
Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-755-2855
Olson, Eric
Assistant Professor
- Phone218-755-3941
Olson, Jennifer
Assistant Professor
- Phone218-755-2198
Olson, Justin
Olson, Sharon
Third Party Accounts Receivable Clerk
- Phone218-755-2064
Owens, Kjerstin
- Phone218-755-2916
Paine, Emily
Assistant Professor
- Phone218-755-2849
Pakonen, Melanie
HR Busines Partner
- Phone218-755-2500
Palmiscno, Toby
Men's/Women's Hockey Equipment Manager
- Phone218-755-2707
Pannell, Diana
Music Adjunct
Papke-Larson, Emily
Non Employee
Passa, Jay
Health Education Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2080
Paulino Dinzey, Esteban
Student Worker
Pawlowski, Donna
Professor of Communication Studies, Dept Chair
- Phone218-755-2487
Pearlson, Katelyn
Financial Reporting Specialist
- Phone218-755-2448
Perlich, John
Professor of Communication Studies
- Phone218-755-2807
Pesek, Jessamay
Associate Professor
Peters, Amanda
Interim Executive Director of Admissions
- Phone218-755-2031
Petersen, Jordan
Head Softball Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Peterson, Charles
TAD Adjunct
Peterson, Katie
Professor of Chemistry
- Phone218-755-3880
Pickle, Roxanne
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
- Phone218-755-2068
Pieper, Jessica
Non Employee
Plotts, Michelle
Upward Bound Advisor
Pollreisz, Chelsea
CSSI - Admissions Office Mgr & Campus Visit Coord
Preciado, Henoc
Interim Head of Staff
- Phone218-755-2011
Pula, Scott
Campus Security Officer
- Phone218-755-3888
Quandt, Robert
- Phone218-755-2792
Ramboa, Lourdes
Mass Comm Adjunct
Randall, Abby
BSU Foundation
Rave, Elizabeth
- Phone218-755-2785
Raveling, Jason
Web Developer
Reed, Tessa
Niganawenimaanaanig Program Student Mentor
- Phone218-755-2299
Rees, Gary
Associate Professor - English
- Phone218-755-2359
Reimann, Bonnie
HPSH Adjunct Faculty
Renbarger, Cory
- Phone218-755-2867
Reyes, Shannon
Contractor - Veteran Services
Richgels, Glen
Emeritus Faculty
Ricke, Autumn
Integrated Media Adjunct
Rickers, Susan
- Phone218-755-2835
Ricks, Travis
- Phone218-755-2106
Riedel, Anna
Office and Administrative Specialist Senior
- Phone218-755-2618
Riley, Jodi
Accounting Technician
- Phone218-755-2052
Riley, Patrick
Music Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-755-3363
Ringhofer, Timm
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Rios-Sanchez, Miriam
Associate Professor of Geology
- Phone218-755-2563
Rivera-Hokanson, Miriam
Associate Professor
Robins, Wayne
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Rockers, Cassandra
Admissions Representative
Roseth, Nicholas
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Rudolph, Jeanna
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Rudoni, Jaclyn
Non Employee
Rutledge, Thomas
Refrigeration Mechanic
Saari, James
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Sand, Eric
Head Athletic Trainer
- Phone218-755-2769
Sand, Robin
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Sandberg, John
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Sas, Magdalena
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Sayer, Ryan
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2781
Schaefer, Davis
Baseball Adjunct
Scheela, William
Emeritus Faculty
Schmidt, Angela
Non Employee
- Phone218-755-2599
Schmidthuber, Jared
Stationary Engineer
Schmitt, Shannon
Accounts and Collections Specialist
- Phone218-755-2859
Schmitz, Lisa
Associate Professor
Scrivner, Susan
Emeritus Faculty
Sea, William
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4103
- Phone218-755-3874
Serratore, Thomas
Head Men's Hockey Coach, Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2879
Shockman, Jessica
Social Work Adjunct
Sillerud, Jeffrey
Campus Security Officer
- Phone218-755-3888
Simpson, Michael
Nursing Student Services Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2486
Skudlarek, Clarisa
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Skudlarek, Daniel
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Slough, Debbie
Admin Assistant to the Director of Athletics
- Phone218-755-2941
Smiles, Deondre
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Smith, Jerry
Assistant Professor of Geography
- Phone218-755-2805
Smith, Michael
ITS 4/Network Manager
- Phone218-755-2071
Smith, Shevin
Football Adjunct Coach
Smith, Tiffany
Sobieck, Emma
Assistant Women's Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-2941
Solo, Troy
Central Services Administrative Spec. Intermediate
- Phone218-755-3922
Son, Young Seob
- Phone218-755-3715
Sorensen, Jordan
Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
Spears, Shelly
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-3755
Spray, Rachel
Non Employee
St John, Brian
Stanoch, Jason
Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-755-2930
Steen, Matthias
Assistant Soccer Coach
Steggall, Kelli
Director of TRiO McNair/SSS, Upward Bound
- Phone218-755-2504
Steinmetz, Brent
General Repair Worker
- Phone218-755-3755
Stensberg, Kevin
Senior Student Affairs Officer/Dean of Students
Stephani, Julia
Humanities Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-209-6384
Stevens, Michael
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Stish, Karen
Assistant Director of Advising
- Phone218-755-2066
Stoltenberg, Chelsea
Head Women's Basket Ball Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Stone, James
Assistant Professor, Soccer Head Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Strowbridge, Larry
Plant Mainenance Engineer
- Phone218-755-2061
Stueven, Mitike
Upward Bound
Sullivan, Danielle
Associate Professor of English; English Ed
- Phone218-755-2838
Sumsky, Evonne
Music Adjuct
Sundahl, Steven
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2761
Sundeen, Eric
Adjunct Faculty
Swain, Larry
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2484
Swann, Cyrus
Adjunct Instructor
Szrot, Lukas
Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Phone218-755-2829
Tarmizi, Halbana
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2751
Teetzel, Robert
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Tepe, Cemal
Math, Phys, & CS Adjunct
Tews, Bridget
Assistant Director of Advising
- Phone218-755-2602
Theisen, Scott
ITS 4 / Systems Lead
- Phone218-755-2234
Thomas Moravec, Michelle
HPSH Adjunct Faculty
Tian, Baozhong
- Phone218-755-2495
Toward, Richard
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Towley, David
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2205
Treuer, Anton
- Phone218-755-3968
Tryon, Tyler
Ueland, Jeffrey
Provost & VP of AA, Interim
- Phone218-755-2723
Upton, Jerome
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Uran, Shaawano
Associate Professor of Indigenous Studies
- Phone218-755-2590
Urban, Michael
- Phone218-755-3782
Varriano, Mark
Adjunct Faculty
Veaux, Charity
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Veaux, Veronica
Associate Professor
Vevea, Tyler
Vincent, Angela
Financial Aid Assistant
- Phone218-755-2036
Voeller, Kevin
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Vollan, Gregory
Plant Maintenance Engineer
- Phone218-755-2061
Voss, Dan
Transfer Partnership Coordinator
- Emaildan.voss@xsdvoip.com
- Phone218-755-2760
Wachsmuth, Sean
Associate Professor of Professional Ed
- Phone507-389-5449
Walkup, Gina
Purchasing Supervisor
- Phone218-755-2050
Wallin, Angela
Loan Coordinator
- Phone218-755-4367
Wallingford, Justin
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Wallingford, Valerie
Walters, Justin
- Phone218-755-2311
Wandtke, Kellan
Football Adjunct
Ware, Steven
Non Employee
Warren, Jack
Student Success Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2615
Warrington, Gerald
- Phone218-755-3755
Washington, Robert
Accounting Adjunct
Watkins, Laurie
Administrative Assistant to the Facilities Director
- Phone218-755-3988
Watts, Connor
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Webb, Derek
Professor, Dept Chair
- Phone218-755-2846
Webber, Miriam
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-3360
Webber, Ryan
Adjunct Faculty
Wegwerth, Joseph
Men's Hockey 3rd Assistant Coach
Weimann, Dennis
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Weisbrod, Sarah
Music Adjunct
Welch, Catrina
Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Phone218-755-3708
Westhoff, Randy
- Phone218-755-2016
Westrum, Jacob
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Weyer, Jean
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- Phone218-755-3734
Whelan, Amber
Social Work Adjunct
Whitcomb, Andrea
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- Phone218-755-3734
White, James
- Phone218-755-2766
White, Jane
Student Payroll & Travel Clerk
- Phone218-755-2850
White, Kerry
State Univ Adjuct Unit
White, Miriam
Associate Professor
- Phone218-760-0481
Wilkie, Ira
Nursing Adjunct
Wilkinson, Andrew
- Phone218-755-3777
Will, Daniel
Wille, Sabrina
Executive Assistant for Academic Affairs
- Phone218-755-3999
Williams, Kris
Assistant Director
- Phone218-755-2209
Wilson, Hannah
Mental Health Professional
- Phone218-755-2053
Wilson, Ronald
Associate Director for Outreach
- Phone218-755-4210
Wilson, Wade
Stationary Engineer
- Phone218-755-2886
Winter, Travis
Assistant Men's Ice Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Wolf, Linda
TRIO/SSS Tutoring Coordinator
- Phone218-755-2222
Wollak, Nathan
Upward Bound
Wood, Kari
Worner, Tamara
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
- Phone218-755-4233
Wright, Ross
Lead Electrician
- Phone218-755-2014
Yanek, William
Young, Sarah
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2399
Zatkin, Judith
Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Phone218-755-4112
Zebracka, Maggie
Project Manager
- Phone218-755-2865
Zhou, Li
Assistant Professor
- Emailli.zhou@xsdvoip.com
- Phone218-755-2485
Zothman, Megan
Campus Human Resources Officer
- Phone218-755-2502